3 Ways Smoke Does More Damage Than You Think

smoke damage restoration companies

Smoke damage isn’t just unsightly; it can be insidious, causing long-term harm to both property and health. Understanding the full extent of smoke damage underscores the importance of timely intervention from smoke damage restoration companies. Here are three critical ways smoke can wreak havoc.

1. Rapid Fire Spread

According to The Zebra, a small flame can escalate into a major blaze in as little as 30 seconds. When smoke accompanies a fire, it spreads far beyond the immediate area of the flames. The airborne particles and gases in smoke infiltrate walls, ceilings, and even HVAC systems, compromising structural integrity and posing a continued fire risk long after the flames are extinguished. Smoke damage restoration companies play a crucial role in mitigating this risk by promptly assessing and treating any affected areas.

2. Lingering Odors and Residue

Smoke has a pungent odor that penetrates porous materials like upholstery, carpets, and curtains. Even after cleaning, these odors can persist, acting as an unwelcome reminder of the fire long after the event. Additionally, smoke residue contains harmful chemicals that can damage metal, glass, and stone surfaces if it is not properly removed. Professional smoke damage restoration companies use specialized techniques and equipment to neutralize odors and safely eliminate smoke residue, ensuring a thorough restoration of the affected space.

3. Health Hazards

Beyond visible damage, smoke inhalation presents serious health risks. Particles in smoke can irritate the respiratory system, leading to coughing, shortness of breath, and exacerbation of conditions like asthma. Prolonged exposure to smoke residue may also trigger allergic reactions and other respiratory ailments. Additionally, certain chemicals released during combustion are carcinogenic, posing long-term health risks if not promptly addressed. Smoke damage restoration companies not only focus on structural recovery but also prioritize the removal of contaminants to restore indoor air quality and safeguard occupants’ health.

The ramifications of smoke damage extend far beyond what meets the eye. The impact can be profound and long-lasting. Working with professional smoke damage restoration companies is crucial in mitigating these effects properly. Their expertise, rapid response times, and commitment to comprehensive restoration ensure that both you and your property are safeguarded from the pervasive effects of smoke damage.

For those affected by smoke damage, timely intervention is key to minimizing losses and restoring peace of mind. Contact ServiceMaster today to mitigate the damage and ensure a thorough recovery process.

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4 Top Causes of Residential Fires

Residential fires can wreak havoc on your life. Flames can engulf your precious keepsake items, and you can be left without a place to call home. It’s important to learn how to prevent fires before they start. According to The Zebra, electrical malfunction, heating equipment, and cooking are the top four causes of residential fires. Let’s review such causes and explore what you can do to prevent an outbreak.

1. Cooking Accidents

Cooking is a common cause, as grease fires can start in the blink of an eye. To prevent flames, clean up spills as soon as possible. Avoid cooking on a dirty stove, and always keep fire safety equipment in your kitchen, including a fire extinguisher that can extinguish all types of fires. Always stay in the kitchen while cooking so you’re aware as soon as flames erupt.

2. HVAC System Malfunctions

Furnace malfunctions can also cause a residential fire. Modern furnaces often have several safety features to help prevent fires, but accidents can happen. Ensure you head to the basement to check on your furnace frequently. Hire HVAC professionals for regular inspections so they can make necessary repairs as soon as possible.

3. Electrical Issues

Malfunctioning electrical systems can cause explosive fires. The breaker box may need to be updated, which can cause it to blow a fuse. Tiny sparks from the system or an electrical outlet can also start a fire. Such incidents can happen when you aren’t home, resulting in extreme fire damage. Work with an electrician to ensure your systems are up-to-date and safe.

4. Electric Heater Malfunctions

Electric heaters remain a common cause of fires, especially during the cold winter months. Heaters that are plugged in for too long can overheat and cause a fire. The plug can melt into the wall socket because it gets so hot. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions and only run heaters as needed. Invest in electrical heaters with safety features, such as ones that automatically shut off if they fall over or get too hot.

Preventing fires is the first step in protecting your home and family. However, accidents happen, and that’s where we come in. Our professional crew at ServiceMaster can expertly clean up fire damage for residential restoration. Contact us for more information today!

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3 Common Myths About Protecting Your Home From a Fire

fire damage repair

When it comes to protecting your home, it’s critical to be fully informed about the risks and dangers of fires. One of the biggest dangers concerning home fire safety is the myths that people readily believe on this topic. Let’s debunk three dangerous myths about home fire safety.

1. Smoke Alarms Give You Plenty of Time

Although smoke alarms are definitely an essential part of fire prevention and they do give you an early warning, you should never assume you have a guaranteed amount of time to escape a fire. For families that don’t have an established evacuation route, time can quickly slip away in this kind of emergency situation. Fires spread very quickly and have unpredictable behavior, so there is really no way to determine how much time you have. For this reason, you must always assume you have very little time and must evacuate yourself and your family immediately.

You also need to make sure you have enough smoke detectors, because according to The Zebra, 47% of people believe they only need one smoke detector for their whole house. This is simply not the case, so remember to prioritize having the right set of equipment and alarms installed throughout the house.

2. Small Fires Are Easy to Contain

If you see a small fire break out in your home, do not assume that safely extinguishing it is easy or can be done without the right information. Fires grow and spread rapidly, no matter their size. Calling 911 immediately is still a number-one response, even in the event of a small fire. Extinguishing efforts may be more feasible, but the assistance of professional emergency workers remains essential. Remember, even small fires can cause a need for fire damage repair.

3. New Homes Aren’t at Risk of a Fire

It is dangerous to assume any house isn’t at risk because of how recently they were built. Although there are many improvements that can cut down some risks, you should always be vigilant to keep your home safe with smoke detectors, fire alarms, and a fire evacuation plan that is updated and understood by everyone in the home.

Use the truth to keep your family better protected from fire. If your home has experienced a fire, please contact ServiceMaster for fire damage repair. We’re here to provide the commercial and residential services you need.

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4 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Mold

water damage mold clean up

No homeowner wants to discover mold in their home, but the truth is it does show up occasionally. The more you know about mold, the better you can react to the situation. According to the experts at Ruby Home Real Estate, 14,000 people in the U.S. are affected by water damage daily, which includes mold. Here are some surprising facts about mold you may not be aware of.

1. Mold Is Already Everywhere

Most people don’t like to hear this fact, but it’s the truth, mold really is everywhere. It has an important role in decomposing organic matter, but the problem arises when mold overgrows in areas. The tiny mold spores floating through the air are normal and natural, and in the right amounts, no one ever notices them. However, the problems really start to grow when the mold starts to grow. With an overgrowth of mold comes home damage and health threats.

2. There Are 100,000 Types of Mold

Different types of mold grow in different places and have different effects on humans. The type of mold that is most concerning is black and toxic mold. When this type of mold is present, it’s necessary to get water damage mold clean-up experts to assist you. You want to get this type of mold removed as soon as possible to ensure you and your family do not get sick.

3. Mold Grows on Many Types of Surfaces

Mold is a hardy survivor that can grow on just about any surface. It’s most commonly found in bathrooms and basements. However, it can also be found in areas behind walls. It’s commonplace to find dangerous mold, as it provides a porous surface to grow on. You may have heard that mold can’t grow on concrete, but it can grow on dust or dirt layers on concrete.

4. Mold Starts Growing in 24 to 48 Hours of Moisture Exposure

This is one of the reasons why it’s so important that you contact water damage mold clean-up professionals quickly following a leak or flooding event in your home. You want to stop mold before it starts, and mold only needs 24 to 48 hours to start growing.

These are just a few facts about mold you should be aware of. If you’re in need of water damage mold clean-up, please contact ServiceMaster today. We look forward to working with you.

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What’s Included in Carpet Cleaning Services From a Water Removal Company?

According to Better Homes and Gardens, it’s a good idea to have your carpet cleaned every three to six months; this keeps it from getting discolored while extending its life. However, what happens if your carpet gets soaked due to flooding? A water removal company can come and clean the carpet! Here’s what you can likely expect them to include in this service.

Extract the Water

This is the first order of business for the water removal workers. They will get all the water out of the carpet, along with any upholstery or other furnishings. This way, it will greatly reduce the chances of mold growth in your home. Mold can cause a lot of health issues, so this is very necessary.

Clean the Carpet

This is the meat of what they will do for the carpet cleaning. The professionals will use special equipment to clean the carpet so that it will look just like new. Many pros use a hot water extraction method to ensure the carpet is thoroughly cleaned. On top of that, they will deodorize and sanitize the carpet to make sure that no bacteria or other things can lurk in it.

Dry the Carpet

Once the carpet’s fully cleaned, deodorized, and sanitized, it’s going to be dried. This is to prevent any mildew from returning and making your home have that damp, musty smell that floods often leave behind. The professionals will also groom the fibers for enhanced drying and appearance. Before you know it, your home will be just like it was before the disaster happened.

It can be distressing when your home is flooded. This situation can occur within the seeming blink of any eye. One second, your home is nice and dry and then the next, it’s underwater. Having your carpet cleaned will be a start toward getting your home back to the condition that it was in before. A small step like this can mean a lot and make the efforts of the cleaners worth it. Our team at ServiceMaster helps Colorado residents with any water damage or fire damage. Our skilled workers can clean carpets, tile and grout, and more. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your home!

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4 Qualities to Look For in a Fire Damage Repair Service

fire damage repair service

A fire is one of the worst things that can happen in a home. In addition to destroying property, it can also endanger people’s lives. If your home can survive a fire, then you’ll need to invest in services that can do suitable repairs. Here are the qualities to look for in a fire damage repair service.

1. Promptness

According to The Zebra, there are about 358,000 house fires annually. Some of those fires may be completely devastating to one’s life, whereas others have enough structural left for repairs. If your home has suffered from a fire, then you want prompt service as soon as possible. After all, not only do you have to worry about the damage from the fire itself, but there could also be water damage from when firefighters put the fire out. Therefore, you need a reputable service that can handle the repairs immediately. The faster they respond, the more likely they can save your home.

2. Professionalism

You should expect top-level professionalism when dealing with fire damage repair experts. From the minute you contact them to the minute they finish the job, their professionalism should show in how they conduct themselves, the materials they use, and the promptness with which they carry out the repair work.

3. Reputable

Check out the reputation of a fire damage repair service. If you haven’t gotten a direct referral from someone who used such a service, then you could always begin checking online. Online reviews are a great way to find out how reputable any contractor is, especially one who’s handled fire repairs. Once you’ve narrowed down a list of some fire repair services you like, ask the company for direct referrals. If they did a solid job and have a good relationship with past and current clients, then they shouldn’t hesitate to give you a contact.

4. Quality

Fire repair contractors should exude top-notch workmanship with the best materials. They should have skilled technicians who can restore your property as close to its pre-loss condition as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the type of equipment used. You should also ask for a portfolio of some of their before and after work.

Dealing with a fire can be devastating for anyone. However, if enough of your home survived, then a local fire repair service can help you. Look no further than our local team. We have years of experience and have all the qualities listed above and then some. Contact us whenever you need us.

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A Brief History of Water and Fire Damage Restoration

fire damage

The world of fire and water damage restoration has seen many changes and evolutions over the years. According to RubyHome, 99% of counties in the U.S. were affected by flooding between 1996 and 2019. Flooding and fires cause extensive damage to homes, and it’s the fire and water damage professionals in our communities that help families rebuild their homes and lives. Let’s look at a brief history of this industry.

The Beginning of a Modern Industry

The fire and water damage restoration industry as we know it today can be traced back to 1971 when Marty King founded the National Institute of Fire Restoration. This organization provided restorer certification. This can be compared to having a Ph.D. in restoration. This organization was developed to set a standard for restoration that homeowners could depend on. This helped to avoid home demos that were unnecessary. Often homes would be demolished simply because there were not local professionals who were trained to perform restoration on the property.

National Institute of Disaster Restoration

In the 90s, the name of this organization was changed to the National Institute of Disaster Restoration. This was when a water restoration division was added. The natural consequence of fighting a fire within a home is that there will be water damage within the home as well from fire hoses. This organization could now provide comprehensive training and certification for both fire damage and water damage.

To further improve the quality of fire and water damage restoration in the U.S. the organization published Guidelines for Smoke and Fire Damage Restoration. This document has been the industry standard for two decades.

Advanced Certifications

Since the beginning of the Certified Restorer Program, certifications have continued to grow and evolve. Today, there are many different types of certifications and specializations available. Those who receive certification must go through training and prove their experience in this field. Not only are the scientific depths of restoration explored in these certifications, but there is also much time devoted to the proper execution of running a restoration business.

The fire and water restoration industry has a proud history of education and innovation in this specialty service. If you’re in need of fire or water restoration, please give ServiceMaster a call today.

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4 Reasons You May Need Residential Carpet Cleaning

Does your home have a carpet? If so, you understand how much upkeep the carpet requires to keep it looking and smelling good. Unfortunately, your carpet can have many issues and be susceptible to damage. However, enlisting a water removal service that offers professional carpet cleaning can help your residential carpet look new again. Here are four reasons you may need such a service.

1. Pets

There’s nothing like having a cute furry pet that’s a part of the family. While you love your dog or cat, you may not love the hair and smells they leave all over your carpet. They not only leave behind their hair, but sometimes may even have accidents on the floor. Between a buildup of dirt your puppy may track in from outside, fleas, hair, and bathroom concerns, your carpet may no longer look or smell that good.

2. Water Damage

Has your home had issues with humidity? Has there ever been a flood or any other event that may have caused moisture to seep into your carpet? If so, a water removal service can help dry out your carpet and other areas of the home affected by such an event. The last thing you want is to have water linger in any part of your home, especially on a carpet that can track not only dirt and mildew but mold, which can be a detriment to your family’s health.

3. Stain Removal

Regardless of how careful you are, stains will likely build up on your carpet over time. If you’ve ever spilled a cup of coffee or wine, or have messy pets or children, spot cleaning may not have been able to remove the resulting spot. Stains can look very unsightly and embarrassing, but a professional cleaning service can help remove them.

4. Color Restoration

Do you remember when you first installed your carpet or how it may have looked when you bought your home? Unfortunately, the color may have faded over time, especially if it’s near a window where UV rays can easily shine through. Plus, a buildup of dirt can easily cover the natural color of your carpet. According to our team, homeowners should have their carpet cleaned once every six to 12 months to prevent discoloration and improve its lifespan.

When it’s time to clean your carpet, a vacuum isn’t enough. After built-up stains, dander, moisture, hair, and mold, you should call the professionals for assistance. If you need a local team to help keep your carpet clean, call us at ServiceMaster for our water removal services and professional carpet cleaning.

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How Is Water Damage Mold Clean Up Done?

water damage mold clean up

After a serious flood (no matter the type), it’s important to get high-quality water damage mold clean up to ensure that your home is strong and secure. After all, this problem is one that affects many people every year. According to Ruby Home Real Estate, about 14,000 people in the United States experience water damage every day. Here’s the step-by-step process of mold remediation.

1. Complete Mold Inspection

When you experience a serious flood, our team will sit down with you and go over your home to ensure that we catch every mold-affected area. These include problems with pooled water and anywhere it might have sat for too long. This includes very specialized inspection tools that work to catch every potential threat of mold that might exist in your home.

2. Mold Surface Removal

After going through a complete mold inspection, a careful surface cleanup can help remove any surface growths and ensure that mold is properly managed. This process is done comprehensively by skilled experts who understand the various ways that this cleanup can be done. Even better, they can do deeper inspections for more problematic mold issues.

3. Carefully Cut Away Deeper Growths

If we spot deeper growths in your home, then we can provide more comprehensive mold remediation that digs deep into your house’s many appliances and furniture items to ensure they get the attention they need. Letting mold grow too rapidly and unchecked throughout your home is more likely to cause long-term problems and trigger serious mold-related issues.

4. Replace Damaged Items

Once we’ve carefully removed deeper mold growths from your home’s items, we can also identify any structural damage that might have occurred. For instance, there are many areas throughout the home’s foundation and other areas that might need to be completely replaced after a flood. This process is one that will ensure that your house is safe for years to come.

The best water damage mold clean up can keep your house strong and secure and minimize long-term problems with its structural integrity. Just as importantly, it can minimize stylistic issues and keep your home modern and attractive. Contact us today if you’re interested in this process and our team will do what they can to ensure that you’re happy. It’s our goal to make sure that every flooded area in our region is free of mold and other related issues.

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Why Is It Important to Hire a Water Removal Service Immediately After a Flood?

Whether the source is internal or external, a flooded home is an endangered one. If flooding affects your home, it’s important to start the cleanup process as soon as possible. According to RubyHome, water damage affects almost 14,000 people every day. If you are among those who suddenly are affected by flooding, here’s why it’s important to hire a water removal service immediately after a flood.

Minimize Structural Damage

The sooner that you can hire a water removal service, the better your chances of saving the home and minimizing damage. When water has time to penetrate wood, drywall, and insulation, it can cause structural damage. The damage might include water stains, rot, or warping. The floor covering and insulation might become saturated. You also might see unsightly water stains inside your home.

Protect Your Belongings

Water intrusion also can damage your belongings, including furniture, ornamental rugs, and electronics. The sooner you remove the water, the less damage it can do to the many belongings that you have inside your home. Depending on your homeowner’s insurance policy, you might find it to be very costly to replace any furniture or belongings that the water damages or destroys. The cost for immediate water cleanup is much less than it would be if you were to delay and suffer even more extensive water damage to your belongings.

Prevent Mold and Mildew

The growth of mold and mildew is one of the potentially most dangerous developments caused by water intrusion. It doesn’t take long for mold or mildew to develop when water saturates walls and crawlspaces. The dark spaces inside the walls, closets, and crawl spaces are especially prone to mold and mildew growth when water saturates them. You can stop the growth of hazardous substances when you remove the water as soon as possible.

Lower Your Recovery Costs

The cost to repair your home and replace any damaged belongings always is lower the faster you remove the water from your home. Depending on the nature of the water intrusion, your homeowner’s insurance policy might pay the cost of water mitigation. If so, there is no reason to delay the service any longer than necessary. The sooner you get it done, the more money you save on the recovery costs from any water damage.

You can call or visit us at ServiceMaster to learn more and get emergency water removal services for your home or another property. Don’t wait for water damage to get worse, let us handle the cleanup right away.

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