4 Top Causes of Residential Fires

Residential fires can wreak havoc on your life. Flames can engulf your precious keepsake items, and you can be left without a place to call home. It’s important to learn how to prevent fires before they start. According to The Zebra, electrical malfunction, heating equipment, and cooking are the top four causes of residential fires. Let’s review such causes and explore what you can do to prevent an outbreak.

1. Cooking Accidents

Cooking is a common cause, as grease fires can start in the blink of an eye. To prevent flames, clean up spills as soon as possible. Avoid cooking on a dirty stove, and always keep fire safety equipment in your kitchen, including a fire extinguisher that can extinguish all types of fires. Always stay in the kitchen while cooking so you’re aware as soon as flames erupt.

2. HVAC System Malfunctions

Furnace malfunctions can also cause a residential fire. Modern furnaces often have several safety features to help prevent fires, but accidents can happen. Ensure you head to the basement to check on your furnace frequently. Hire HVAC professionals for regular inspections so they can make necessary repairs as soon as possible.

3. Electrical Issues

Malfunctioning electrical systems can cause explosive fires. The breaker box may need to be updated, which can cause it to blow a fuse. Tiny sparks from the system or an electrical outlet can also start a fire. Such incidents can happen when you aren’t home, resulting in extreme fire damage. Work with an electrician to ensure your systems are up-to-date and safe.

4. Electric Heater Malfunctions

Electric heaters remain a common cause of fires, especially during the cold winter months. Heaters that are plugged in for too long can overheat and cause a fire. The plug can melt into the wall socket because it gets so hot. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions and only run heaters as needed. Invest in electrical heaters with safety features, such as ones that automatically shut off if they fall over or get too hot.

Preventing fires is the first step in protecting your home and family. However, accidents happen, and that’s where we come in. Our professional crew at ServiceMaster can expertly clean up fire damage for residential restoration. Contact us for more information today!

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Everything You Need to Know About Residential Smoke Damage Restoration

According to The Zebra, there are about 358,000 residential fires each year. When these occur, residential smoke damage restoration is an essential follow-up service. Most people believe that smoke damage is purely cosmetic. However, even a small fire can result in significant smoke damage, including harmful particles and toxins that are health risks.

Here is what you need to know about smoke damage restoration.

Air Quality Affects

Smoke damage restoration not only cleans up the visible damage but also helps improve the air quality in your home after a fire. Harmful gases and toxins can linger long after the fire has been extinguished. An important part of the restoration after a fire is air quality testing.

Remediating air quality issues ensures your home is safe after a fire. Smoke damage restoration experts test the air quality and take remediation steps that return the air quality to a safe level. You can breathe easier knowing your home’s air quality is safe.

Cleaning Surfaces

Smoke and soot from a fire can stick to appliances, cabinetry, walls, floors, ceilings, and personal goods. Proper cleaning processes can restore all surfaces using the right equipment and solvents. During restoration, special care is taken to remove every sign of smoke damage left behind.

However, it is not just surface cleaning that is done. The home’s structural integrity is inspected, and structural repairs are made if necessary. Soot and smoke can get deep into your property, so a simple wipe-down won’t do the trick.

Turn-Key Approach

When you work with a professional restoration service to manage your smoke damage clean-up, they handle everything. They will work with your insurance company to file the necessary paperwork and ensure that the job is done right. Clean-up should be left to the professionals, so attempting the clean-up and restoration tasks yourself can further damage your home.

A home fire can be devastating. Therefore, it is essential that you have the support of an experienced team to restore your home. Get the professional help you need to ensure that your home is safe to occupy and that all evidence of the fire is removed. Call our team here at ServiceMaster today to learn more about the smoke damage restoration process.

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How to Prevent Fires at Home

Keeping your home safe from fire damage is essential to protect your family, property, and possessions. According to The Zebra, an average of 358,000 house fires occur each year, so it’s important to take fire safety measures and fire prevention seriously. Here are some tips on how to prevent fires at home.

1. Check for Fire Hazards

Look around frequently and ensure that fire hazards like overloaded electrical sockets, frayed wires, and flammable materials are not present in or around your home. If fire hazards do exist, remove them immediately and contact a professional to assess the problem.

2. Install Smoke Alarms

One of the most important fire safety measures is to install smoke alarms throughout your home. These will detect fire and alert everyone if a fire occurs. Test the fire alarms regularly and replace batteries as necessary.

3. Practice Fire Drills

Hold fire drills with family members so that everyone knows what to do in case of fire. Have a designated fire exit and fire assembly area so family members can meet up if necessary. Additionally, ensure that everyone knows the fire safety rules such as stop, drop, and roll if clothing catches fire.

4. Use Flammable Items with Caution

Prevent fire damage by being cautious when using flammable items such as candles, matches, and fire starters. Keep them away from children and sparks or flames. When you use candles, put them out before going to sleep or leaving the room. Don’t leave fireplaces, stoves, and barbecues unattended when in use.

5. Check Your Home Appliances

Make sure that all home appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators are in good working order. The wiring should be in good condition, so check for frayed cords, faulty fuses, and exposed wiring. Don’t overload electrical sockets with too many items, as a fire could start when the wiring can’t handle the extra load.

6. Have an Extinguisher on Hand

Keep fire extinguishers in strategic places around the house and make sure everyone knows how to use them properly. Check fire extinguishers regularly and replace them if they are expired or damaged.

By taking fire safety measures and fire prevention seriously, you can reduce fire damage in your home. From having fire extinguishers on hand to being mindful of candles, you can keep your home and family safe. If your home has suffered damage from a fire, you want local professionals who handle the job efficiently. Contact our local team today for assistance.

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3 Signs You Need the Help of an Emergency Flood Service ASAP

According to ABC News, about 14.6 million homes in America are at risk of flood damage. Emergency flood services are essential if your home has endured damage from a flood. Here are just three signs that you need to call an emergency flood service immediately.

1. Water Has Crept Into Your Home

Engaging an emergency flood service is essential anytime you have water seeped into your home, whether that water is due to storm damage or a broken pipe. Water damage must be cleaned up correctly or else you risk ongoing problems.

You may think you got all the water cleaned up from that broken pipe in the basement, but the water damage you see is only the tip of the iceberg. Any moisture that is left behind can facilitate the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause health issues for your family as well as structural damage to your home. Whenever you have water damage, do yourself and your home a favor and get professional help as soon as possible.

2. Your Ceiling Is Sagging

If you have had some water damage — even a small amount — and notice that your ceiling is sagging, it is a sign you need help, as water can pool in unexpected areas. When this pooling occurs, your home is at risk of serious structural damage.

Hiring a professional to manage the problem is important to the safety of your home. The right flood service can stop the damage from spreading. Call for help ASAP to minimize damage!

3. A New Odor Is Flooding Your Home

If you notice a musty smell in your home after a flood, it is time to call for emergency flood assistance. Many homeowners do their best to clean up the mess but don’t realize there could be trouble lurking behind the walls. Even small amounts of water that have seeped under the walls or the floorboards can have disastrous results for your home.

You should call an experienced emergency flood service whenever you have a flood problem in your home. The professionals know what it takes to restore your home to excellent condition. Don’t delay in getting the help that you need. Call ServiceMaster today to learn more about our emergency water damage repair services!

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