3 Signs You Need Water Damage Mold Clean Up Services

water damage mold clean up services

If you’ve had water damage in your home, then you can’t afford to wait on water damage mold clean up services. Even a small flooding event can cause the growth of mold in 24-48 hours. Let’s look at a few signs that you may need this type of service now.

1. You’ve Had a Flood

If you’ve had a flood in your home after a big storm, then you need to call water damage mold clean up services. According to the home experts at RubyHome, it’s estimated that 99% of counties in the U.S. were affected by some form of flooding between 1996 and 2019. Flooding is more common than you think. Naturally occurring flooding isn’t the only event that can cause mold and water damage.

Even if you have a small flooding event inside your own home, you need professional clean up services. Small flooding events can be related to plumbing, appliances, or from other causes. A flooding event is any time water is standing on your floors, so it’s important to keep an eye out for unknown water in your home.

2. You See Water Damage or Leaks

Sometimes you may not even have a flooding event yet, but you may still need the help of professionals. If you’ve had a leak in your home, then it could easily contribute to damage and the growth of mold. Sometimes a leak isn’t obvious for a while. The water could have been collecting for quite some time before you realized it. If you can visibly see damage, even if you aren’t sure where the water would have come from, then you should call our professional to keep your home and family safe.

3. You See Standing Water

Water damage professionals have the skills and equipment needed to effectively remove standing water and remove moisture from carpets or furniture upholstery. It’s important to give them a call as soon as you notice it because it can make a big difference. The quicker you have the moisture removed, the less chance you have for water damage and mold growth.

They will also be able to apply anti-microbial products to your surfaces to cut down on the chances of mold and other bacteria from growing. This can help keep your home clean and healthy.

If you are in need of water damage services, then please contact us today. We want to ensure you’re home and family are safe from mold growth. With years of experience, you will feel peace of mind when you hire our team.
